Tuesday 18 July 2017

Notices to Mariners Week 28,29,30 - Notices to Mariners for the Southern East Coast of the UK and across to France, Belgium and part of Holland

Catching up after extended holiday

Week 28


1. New editions of Charts 1606 - England - East Coast, Thames Estuary, Fisherman’s Gat to Princes Channel and 1609 - England - East Coast, Thames Estuary, Knock John Channel to Sea Reach on 27th July.
2. ENGLAND - East Coast - Orford Haven and Woodbridge Haven - NM Blocks for Charts 2693 and 2695 - the UKHO only show the positions of the Safe water buoys - refer to East Coast Pilot (http://www.eastcoastpilot.com/downloads.html ) for the downloads which show the full detail.


1. Kingsnorth Power Station - Demolition of Remaining Boiler Structures - planned demolition event on 27th July 2017 at 15:00hrs. At that time the two remaining boiler structures at Kingsnorth Power Station will be demolished by use of a controlled explosion. (Intriguing to consider the difference twix a 'demolition event' and a 'controlled explosion'!)
2. KING'S LYNN CONSERVANCY BOARD - The Wash - Approaches to King's Lynn - Additional Navigation Aid - a new red can called..... 'R'. There is a link to download the chartlet on my usual page (Temporary List) - http://www.crossingthethamesestuary.com/page9.html
3. Port of Wells - dredging;
4. Port of Ramsgate - Filming event - tonight between 2200 and 1am involving a local fishing boat, a safety boat and a controlled special effect fire on the fishing vessel.
5. River Crouch - Inner Whitaker South Cardinal - has lost its top mark - now was it yellow/black/yellow, black/yellow/black or what -I confess I would check..

Read more at http://www.ybw.com/forums/showthread.php?481893-Notice-to-Mariners-Week-28#7KcmCw1wIvC1gKBh.99

Week 29


1. NETHERLANDS - Slijkgat - NM Block. Buoyage. - a useful UKHO chart block of the Slijgat channel (on the route to Stellendam);
2. ENGLAND - East Coast - Stanford Channel - Legend. - There was several reductions of depths on the Holm Sand, east of the Stanford Channel (off Lowestoft). This notice now adds 'Less Water (2016)';
3. ENGLAND - East Coast - River Crouch - Burnham-on-Crouch - Buoyage. - This is the UKHO notification of the previous local Crouch NtM about the 'No Wash Zone'. Image at the usual page: http://www.crossingthethamesestuary.com/page9.html
4. BELGIUM - Wielingen S - Buoy. - A new yellow special buoy east of the Zeebrugge Harbour;


1. Trinity House notification of a new dangerous wreck - the decommissioned tug lost on a tow, now lying in 5.1 est. water CD. Four wreck buoys around it. Offshore Lowestoft - see the image in the same page but in the Temporary List;
3. Port of Wells dredging;
4. Approaches to King’s Lynn – Hunstanton and North Beach Heacham. British Water Ski Championship on Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th July 2017.

Read more at http://www.ybw.com/forums/showthread.php?482373-Notice-to-Mariners-Week-29#mtk8RuuWvchAIAJM.99

Week 30

No UKHO or other permanent NTM this week for the monitored area (Wash to Dover, Boulogne to Hook of Holland and in bet Lowestoft to H of H)


1. River Thames - DARTFORD CREEK BARRIER MAINTENANCE - removal and replacement of chains - works will take place until mid September. Normally open for navigation apart from 26th July and 8th August (subject to the schedule sticking); Attention requested;
2. RIVER MEDWAY – GARRISON POINT - Sheerness Number 10 Berth, River Works and Lifting Operations - Heavy lifting until the 19th July;
3. RIVER MEDWAY – GARRISON POINT - Garrison Point – Defective Fog Horn - at No 10 berth.
4. Port of Wells - dredging of course;
5. Havengore Bridge is defective, engineers have been called to 'reinstate functionality': They should say when it is going again;

Read more at http://www.ybw.com/forums/showthread.php?482807-Notice-to-Mariners-Week-30#8VLjp6SWwvf2bBg5.99

Local NtMs compiled by and reproduced by kind permission of Roger Gaspar, author of Crossing the Thames Estuary

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